All aspects of Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Commercial Contracts and Consumer Law.

Arbitration, Commercial and Civil Litigation. Corporate Crime, Administrative Offences and related pprocedures.
Public Procurement, Administrative Litigation & Arbitration, Infraestructure Projects
Economical Law & Administrative Offences
Labour Relations, Collective Contracts representation & negotiation, Labour Litigation, Public Sector, Social Security & Pensions
Criminal Litigation & Administrative Offences
Sports Agency and Intermediation, Sports Labour Law, Sports Public Law, Litigation and Sporting Arbitration
Real Estate, Urban Planing and Enviromental Law
Family Law
Banking, capital markets, insurance, Governance and Compliance must be analyzed and weighted together. In this context, the legal monitoring of the transactional and regulatory components is essential.
Telecomunications and IT Law
EU & Litigation Law
Tax Law & Litigation
Definition of internal policies concerning processing of personal data and data retention by our Clients. Legal advice regarding data protection of European Regulations and Directives
Patent, Trademark and Copyright litigation.
All pratice areas of Civil Law