"Lar da Criança" Primary School
São João de Brito College
Faculty of Law of Catholic University of Lisbon
(1993-1995) Lawyer at Henrique Abecassis, Andersen Guimarães & Associados;
(1995-2000) Lawyer and capital partner at Roquette, Vaz Pinto, Marques dos Santos, Teixeira da Costa & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados;
(2000-2003) Lawyer and industry partner at J. Pinto Ribeiro & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados;
(2011-2016) Reporting Counselor at Disciplinary Board of AFL (Portuguese Federation of Football)
(Since 2017) VP Justice Board of AFL (Portuguese Federation of Football)
(since 2003) Lawyer and Partner at Teixeira da Costa, Nuno Paixão, José Ribeiro, Paulo Brandão & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados rl

Escola Secundária of Belém, Algés, Oeiras
International University
(1996) Resgistration in the Portuguese Lawyer's Association (OAP)
(1998 - 2006) Legal Advisor at the Cascais Municipal Chamber in the area of economic activities
(2000 - 2006) Coordinator of the Center of Information and support for the investor of the city of Cascais
(2001 – 2002) Instructor of counter-ordination proceedings in the Municipal Chamber of Cascais
(2003) Law enforcement of economic activities aimed at supervision and municipal police officers
(Since 2010) - Partner and Lawyer at CPGL - Teixeira da Costa, Nuno Paixão, José Ribeiro, Paulo Brandão & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados RL

Faculty of Law of Coimbra´s University
(1993 - 1995) Trainee Lawyer in the Conselho Distrital de LIsboa da Ordem dos Advogados
(1995 - 2011) Individual Law pratice
(2011 - 2013) Treasurer of the Cascais Delegation of the Portuguese Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados)
(2014 - 2016) Treasurer of the Cascais Delegation of the Portuguese Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados)
(2014 - 2016) Secretarial Member of the Inter-delegações de Advogados de Lisboa
(2017 - 2019) Rapporteur on the fee's cases in the Superior Counsil of the Portuguese Bar Association
(Since 2020) Member of the Regional (Lisbon) Council of the Portuguese Bar Association
(Since 2020) Member of the Comission CDAPA in the Portuguese Bar Association
(Since 2011) Lawyer and Partner at Teixeira da Costa, Nuno Paixão, José Ribeiro, Paulo Brandão & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados rl

Salesian School Santo António do Estoril
Faculty of Law of Lisbon's University
Faculty of Law of University of Edinburgh
(1993 - 1994) Internship at European Comission/ Bruxels- DG IV – Competion - Divison B-3: Bank & Insurances
(1989 - 1991) Law Internship at Law Firm Luiz Gomes, Abecasis & Associados in Lisbon
(1991 - 1992) Associate Lawyer at Law Firm Luiz Gomes, Abecasis & Associados in Lisbon
(1998 - 2000) non executive Board Meember at FINCOR – MEDIAÇÃO FINANCEIRA, S.A.
(2006) Memer of Disciplinary Counsil of the Portuguese Tenis Federation
(2007) Arbitration Judge in procedures is the Arbitration Center of Portuguese Chamber o Commerce and Industry
(2010) Speaker of CDS-PP politic party in the Municipal Parliament of Cascais (since 2001)
(2010) member of the supervisory board of FUNDAÇÃO PAULA REGO (Cascais)
(Desde 2005) Lawyer and Partner of CPGL Teixeira da Costa, Nuno Paixão, José Ribeiro, Paulo Brandão & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, RL